The controls still work the same. Just hold the X/A button when hiking it to CFB 25 Coins keep the ball with the QB — you can also tap X/A multiple times. It's more comfortable for you than holding the button down.

Glance and read play calls are the ONLY types of RPOs where you’re going to have an option to run, scramble, or pass.

One other keyword I would mention, though, is walk. RPO Walk plays are still going to be automatic handoffs eventually (assuming it’s not a RPO Walk Glance pla; in those cases, you’ll be combining the Glance rules with the Walk rules).

RPO Walk means you’re going to keep the ball in the RB’s stomach for an extended moment to give yourself more time to make a decision. Here it is playing out below — look at how the QB holds it to the RB’s gut longer than normal.
For these plays, I prefer to tap the X/A button until I make a decision to hand it off or pass it (again, until it automatically hands off either way). But you can hold the button, and it will do the same thing just like “normal” option running plays. Also notice there was no R or P defender there because it’s going to be either a handoff or pass.  There is no next step where a P defender or R defender would have mattered for your choice.

And that’s really all you need to remember at a high level for jargon in order to not be confused about your playcalls or your options once the ball is hiked.

Just a heads up, in the past, there would be some “illegal man downfield” penalties that emerge out of RPO Read and RPO Glance plays when you keep it with the QB, and I have still seen them in this game, but they’re not as prevalent. I believe these penalties that might be considered “bugs” in prior games were in them as a sort of last resort to stop the offense from being overpowered on College Football 25 Coins for sale these sorts of RPOs.