1.Full Automatic Hydraulic Machine(CJK0635) Reasonable selection of cutting parameters

For efficient metal cutting, the material to be machined, cutting tools, and cutting conditions are the three major elements. These determine the machining time, tool life and machining quality. An economical and effective machining method is necessarily a reasonable choice of cutting conditions.

Three elements of cutting conditions: cutting speed, feed rate and cutting depth directly cause tool damage. With the increase of cutting speed, the temperature of the tool tip will rise, resulting in mechanical, chemical, and thermal wear. Increase the cutting speed by 20%, and the tool life will be reduced by 1/2.

The relationship between the feed conditions and the wear behind the tool is produced in a very small range. However, the feed amount is large, the cutting temperature rises, and the rear wear is large. It has less effect on the tool than the cutting speed. Although the impact of cutting depth on the tool is not as large as the cutting speed and feed amount, in the micro deep cutting, the hardened layer of the material being cut will also affect the life of the tool.

Equipment users should choose the cutting speed according to the material to be processed, hardness, cutting state, material type, feed rate, cutting depth, etc.

The selection of the more suitable processing conditions is selected on the basis of these factors. Regular, stable wear up to life is the ideal condition.

However, in actual operations, the choice of tool life is related to tool wear, changes in machined dimensions, surface quality, cutting noise, processing heat and so on. When determining the processing conditions, it is necessary to conduct research according to the actual situation. For difficult materials such as stainless steel and heat-resistant alloys, coolant can be used or a rigid blade can be selected. Full Automatic Hydraulic Machine(CJK0635) The price is also more suitable

2. How to determine the three elements of cutting processing

How to correctly choose these three elements is a main content of the principle of metal cutting course, metal processing wechat excerpts part of the main points, the basic principles of choosing these three elements:

(a) Cutting speed (linear speed, circular speed) V (m/min)

To select the number of revolutions per minute of the spindle, know how much the cutting line speed V should take. The choice of V: depends on the tool material, workpiece material, processing conditions, etc.

Tool material:

Carbide, V can be obtained higher, generally desirable more than 100 meters/min, the general purchase of blades are provided with technical parameters:

How much line speed can be selected when processing what material. High-speed steel: V can only be low, generally not more than 70 meters/min, in most cases take 20 to 30 meters/min below.

Workpiece material:

High hardness, low V; Cast iron, V low, the tool material for carbide can be 70~80 meters/min; Low carbon steel, V can be more than 100 meters/min, non-ferrous metal, V can be higher (100~200 meters/min). Quenched steel, stainless steel, V should be lower.

Processing conditions:

Rough processing, V lower; Finish, V higher. The rigidity system of the machine tool, workpiece and tool is poor, and the V is low. If the CNC program uses S is the number of spindle revolutions per minute, then S: S (spindle revolutions per minute) =V (cutting linear speed) *1000/ (3.1416* workpiece diameter) should be calculated according to the workpiece diameter, and the cutting linear speed V (m/min) should be calculated according to the CNC program using constant linear speed, then S can directly use the cutting linear speed V (m/min).

Full Automatic Hydraulic Machine(CJK0635) https://www.zjshuangzheng.com/Full-Automatic-Hydraulic-Machine-CJK0635.html