While the changes long-time franchise players have been hoping for will not be realized until September update, the game will look very more different when playing when playing in Mut 25 coins franchise mode. And I believe it will be enough to get some respect back from those who feel that they were wronged in the past due to EA's inability to fund this vital game mode.

The game-planning process is something you will are able to notice right away when picking up sticks, however it's more significant and could affect how you plan your week and not only on Sundays. Focusing your attention on a specific aspect will be evident the day that it is most important. If you push your players too hard, it can result to fatigue and other issues later on in the season. However, the game's gameplay has been improved. Coaches will participate in dramatic press conferences, and interactions will take place in the locker room, which will influence the team's morale, and certain interactions could unlock unique development characteristics.

The office of the GM has an entirely new mission this year. Topics of discussion will change as the year gets underway. In the beginning, a discussion might be about signing a player into free agency, or offering players on the roster an additional amount of playing time. But as time goes on, the point of discussion might shift to a star player who is seeking to sign a new contract, or even trading. This is just some scenarios we'd like to see.

Another feature that has been long overdue will be the return coaching teams. While I'm not sure if they will be able to appear in the same spot as the director of football, these coaches offer users a reason to put their money into their coaches. The players will earn staff points which can be used to let them unlock different coaching traits and other perks. Making assistant coaches more relevant in football games isn't something that should be mentioned however it is.

With all of the new features that were evident in the beta, and to the inevitable September update for scouting I've never been happier to begin with cheap madden coins my Miami Dolphins franchise.