With Mut 25 coins set to launch at the end of this month it appears that EA is trying to satisfy the numerous fan bases the franchise is able to serve. The focus on community issues is certainly an improvement in the direction for a company which has not yet reached the top of the line in games simulation.

EA Sports released a new blog today that discusses the revamping of the way Madden handles blocking strategies with the release of Madden NFL 25. There are plenty of important details contained in the blog, so let's look at them in detail The first thing ID the Mike lets players to take this protection as a base and pick any defender in the field to be the Mike or fifth player in the offensive line. It's basically a spotlight device that lets the player give defense to any player in the field, and treat the player as Mike by using the basic protection principles.

How do you work it? If you believe that the nickel is going through a blitz and the middle linebacker is falling into the coverage zone, open the pass protection settings menu during pre-play by using LB/L1. then press the A/X button in order to identify the Mike. Then, move the M icon using D-Pad or the LS to the nickel showing blitz. Then make sure to lock it in using another A/X press. Now you've set your defense to take into account the most dangerous dangers on your line of scrimmage as well as the defender you believe is running. This only works for passing plays, but it can be utilized in running plays to deceive your opponent.

This is an exciting innovation that adds an additional layer of pre-snap strategies to the mix. The idea of having to rush to spot a possible Blitzer before the timer gets shorter is a fascinating brain-game that you'll have to play buy mut coins. This feature begins to be activated as soon as the awareness average for the five offensive linemen exceeds 80. The ability to detect the blitzes increases. A line that is rated 80 can detect the heat approximately 5 percentage of the times however, an O-line with a 97 average or greater in awareness will be able to recognize the pressure almost on every pass.