Bradham is a pass-coverage archetype that has 84 speed 85 acceleration, 85 leaping 80 agility, strong 73 strength, 83 alertness play Mut 25 coins recognition the 69-block shed tackle 82. 84 power and 73 man coverage. 70 zone coverage as well as 85 blocking of impact.
Nigel Bradham is on the right track for the kind of player MUT's developers should be focusing on in order to stay clear of power creep each or every other week. He's a bit under-rated at 87 overall and that's in a way. But, he's actually close to being the archetype he's meant to be. I'm thinking he could use some more play awareness and agility to better match his overall score and abilities, but he's an ideal player for the situation. If you're concerned about running backs who aren't catching passes, or you need to use them as an OLB in passes, Bradham works there.
The caveats are in place for not really needing an abundance of pass coverage OLBs, when the majority of them just play the ball, but in the absence of any other considerations it is a good idea for the kind of player you'd like to have the ability to acquire from the Team of the Week drops. Miles Sanders is an elusive back archetype, sporting speeds of 87. 88 and 87 agility. He also has 79 spin move and 84 juke move. carrying 81 breaking tackle, 77 and the catch of 61.
I'm including Miles Sanders as an example of a player that you're not helping anyone by adding this card. He's not quick enough and his catching skills aren't sufficient, and it's not being a player in the Eagles theme team. The MUT creators have become adept at creating cards, but they're required to come up with new strategies to be more useful. Theme teams are one option making more situational players with specific stats could be anotheroption, but we need more motivations to make use of players like this if we're capable of pumping out so many players each week.
Being a mere fodder for the role of a Hero isn't enough. We need to have some reason to make use of people such as this in games. If it's an event-like buy mut coins game mode similar to The Show or something else completely, it's the next step to make this content be meaningful. Kenyan Drake is an inexplicably difficult back archetype that has speed of 89. 87 acceleration and 88 agility. He also has 90 spinning move, 83 juking and 86 carrying. He also has 80 break tackle, and an innate 66-degree catch.